How to Set Up Multi-Language Support?

Modified on Thu, 17 Aug 2023 at 04:09 PM

This guide outlines the process of enabling multi-language support on SmartQR. 

1. Confirm Language Support: 

Check if the desired language is supported by referring to the Master Language Dashboard.

2. Enable Languages at the Brand Level: 

Languages can be enabled at the brand level within SmartQR.

3. Define Default Language: 

When creating a new brand in the admin dashboard, ensure to set a default language for that brand.

Note for Taiwan: It is crucial to always set the default language as Chinese Traditional for seamless integration with the gate web.

4. Access Brand Settings: 

Log in to the specific brand and navigate to the brand settings.

5. Configure Language and Currency Settings: 

Within the brand settings, locate the Language and Currency settings section.

6. Select Menu Languages: 

Choose all the languages that you intend to enable on SmartQR under the "Menu Languages" option.

7. Set Default Language: 

Define the default language that SmartQR will load with upon the initial launch.

8. Save Your Settings: 

After making the necessary selections, save your changes.

9. Add Translations:

Proceed to the menu and add translations for the chosen languages.

10. Language Switching: 

You will now have the option to switch between languages within SmartQR. 

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