How to setup SmartCampaign and activate for promotional discounts?

Modified on Thu, 20 Jul 2023 at 11:49 PM

Before setting up the POP UP SmartCampaign, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • 1. At the Admin Level, make sure you have already set up a smart campaign for the merchant.

  • 2. Ensure that you are able to create promotion discounts.

Creating a Campaign from the POP UP UI for Successful Promotion Discount:

1. Log in as Brand Level.

2. On the navigation pane, click Menu (1) > Promotion Discount (2) to access the Promotion Discount Pages.

3. Click the "Add Promotion Discount" button.

4. The "Add Promotion Discount" form will be displayed. Fill in the necessary fields to create the promotion discount, following the detailed steps in the Promotions Discount section.

5. Click "Save" to create the promotion discount.

6. A. If the Merchant is not configured for Smart Campaigns, the following POP UP will appear:

Click the "Contact Us" button to enable the smart campaign features. You will be directed to Tabsquare’s contact page.

B. If the Merchant has already been configured with Smart Campaign features, this POP UP UI will be displayed:

Click the "Create Campaign" button to automatically create a campaign from your successful promotion discount (3).

7. After clicking the "Create Campaign" button, the "Create SmartCampaign" form will be automatically displayed on your window, showing the voucher of your promotion.

8. You can choose to stop seeing the POP UP by clicking the "Do not show this pop-up again" checkbox (4).

9. To proceed with publishing the voucher as a SmartCampaign, click the "No, Thanks" button (5).

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